Unlocking Seamless Headquarters Address Changes for Your Company in Macedonia
Headquarters Address Changes for Your Company in Macedonia are a normal occurrence, especially during the early years of operation. If your business is thriving and space expansion is required, altering your headquarters address becomes pivotal. Such changes often reflect growth and development or signify significant shifts in your company’s trajectory. However, while the process entails submitting the necessary documentation to the Central Registry, it also involves additional obligations and adjustments that necessitate attention.
Discover the core actions for headquarters address changes for your company in Macedonia:
Licensed Activities and Regulatory Compliance:
Certain businesses fall under special legal regulations, such as those overseen by the Insurance Supervision Agency, Ministry of Finance, NBRSM, etc. Regulatory endorsement of address changes is a prerequisite before initiating updates in the Central Registry. In most of these cases, the regulator approves a change of registered office before approaching the change before the Central Registry.
Alteration of Headquarters within the Central Registry:
North Macedonia’s Central Register serves as a comprehensive repository, housing company particulars like name, ID, tax number, activities, managers, partners, and most importantly, the registered address. This data is integral to your present status. Thus, promptly updating it upon physical relocation through the Central Registry is imperative. A registered agent, typically a lawyer in the Republic of North Macedonia, facilitates the process.
Bank and Financial Institution Compliance:
Post the headquarters address change and generation of a new certificate for change, updating bank records becomes crucial. In many cases, banks can incorporate the address change based on the newly issued status from the Central Registry. After the registered office has been changed and a new certificate has been generated, the next step is usually to approach the bank or banks where the company has an account and update the data. In most cases, if no additional documents are required, the bank can update the data on the address of the headquarters based on the new current situation issued by the Central Registry.
Communication with Other Private Legal Entities:
In numerous instances, particularly when entering into standard contracts between the legal entity and service providers like telephone, internet services, maintenance services, etc., these legal entities bear a designated responsibility to notify users of changes in the headquarters address. Beyond fulfilling the contractual obligation, the necessity of furnishing such information to these private legal entities could expedite the adjustment and enhancement of the prevailing business relationship with such companies..
Labor Relations and Compliance with Labor Inspectorate:
When relocating, reassessments and new safety and health statements are necessary. Notifying the Labor Inspectorate about the address change is also recommended. Assuming that the legal entity has met all the conditions for safety and health at work in the given space, it is understood that appropriate measurements and checks have been carried out that are adequate for the address of the previous headquarters. For this reason, immediately upon a physical change of location, there is a need to create new documents for the assessment of the condition in the new business space, and thus to create an amended statement on safety and health at work. On the other hand, it is also recommended to submit a notification to the Labor Inspectorate about the change of the address of the headquarters.
Trade-Related Compliance:
According to the Law on Trade and the Rulebook on minimum technical conditions for sales facilities in wholesale and retail trade, specific categories of trading companies engaged in wholesale and retail trade are obligated to lodge an application with the State Market Inspectorate within the Municipality. This application ensures the fulfillment of the mandated minimum technical conditions.
If the company has foreign capital, changes should be made prior to the registry of direct investments.
If the company has foreign capital, changes should be made prior to the registry of direct investments. If the company has registered a foreign direct investment, post the data update, a corresponding alteration must also be undertaken within the Central Register – the register dedicated to direct investments, relating to the change in headquarters.
If the company has registered a foreign direct investment.
In cases where the company has registered transactions with non-residents, it’s essential to send a notification to the National Bank’s Department of Statistics. If a non-resident foreign individual has engaged in a transaction with the company that necessitates registration in the NBRSM, notifying the National Bank about the altered headquarters is mandatory. This notification, along with the fundamental transaction registration, is to be submitted to the statistics department of the National Bank of the Republic of North Macedonia.
Learn more about the investment conditions in North Macedonia, on the following link: Invest North Macedonia
Note: The above does not constitute legal advice and in no way can be accepted or understood as an instruction to act in a specific case. Each legal situation has its own characteristics that should be reviewed at separately, and for that reason we recommend that you contact a professional – a lawyer – for legal advice.

Martin Boshkoski
Contact the author here

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