Work permit quota for North Macedonia in 2023
Work permit in North Macedonia
Are you planning to move to the Republic of North Macedonia and work there? Have you heard about the visa and residence permit requirements?
The government of North Macedonia has set a quota to determine the number of foreign nationals who can be employed in the country in 2023.
According to the Law on Employment and Work of Foreigners, the quota for work permits and opinions on the fulfillment of the conditions for issuing temporary residence permits for foreigners for the purpose of work is set to a total amount of 5,000 engagements.
Of this number, 4,500 engagements are for the employment of foreigners in the Republic of North Macedonia, 300 engagements for referred foreigners in the Republic of North Macedonia, 100 engagements for seasonal work of foreigners and 100 engagements for individual services from foreigners.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy monitors the utilization of the quota and the state of the labor market.
More on the work permit quota for 2023
For new work permits and opinions on fulfillment of the conditions for issuing temporary residence permits to foreigners for the purpose of work, 1,700 engagements (positive opinions) are intended for foreign workers. Of those, 1,400 positive opinions are for first–time employment and 300 for first–time work permits.
For the extension of work permits and opinions on the fulfillment of the conditions for issuance of temporary residence permits to foreigners for the purpose of work, 2,800 engagements (positive opinions) are intended for foreign workers.
Of those, 2,200 are for extended employment and 600 are for extended work permits. For any foreigner who is considering working in North Macedonia, they should understand the visa and residence permit requirements. Applying for a work permit and a residence permit in North Macedonia requires an official document from the employer.
Once obtained, the foreigner is eligible to work and stay in North Macedonia, provided that the number of valid work permits does not exceed the determined quota. The government of North Macedonia can, at any time, take measures in accordance with the Law on Employment and Work of Foreigners, so foreigners should stay informed of any changes in the visa and residence permit requirements.
This is has been decided by the Government with the decision published in the Official Gazette no. 291/2022 on 30.12.2022.
For more info about this you can check the Employment agency website (link)
Note: The above does not constitute legal advice and in no way can be accepted or understood as an instruction to act in a specific case. Each legal situation has its own characteristics that should be reviewed at separately, and for that reason we recommend that you contact a professional – a lawyer – for legal advice.